Mayors’ Forum

“Wednesday 12 Giugno 2019 – Teatro Gentile, Fabriano"

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In the forthcoming years, cities will have an increasingly fundamental place in the history of mankind: in fact, according to estimations from the United Nations, 68% of the world population will live in cities by 2050 (World Urbanization Prospects 2018).

In just a few decades, 3.5 billion people will move to cities and therefore they will have a substantial impact on economy, society, culture and global politics. Large metropolises will come to demonstrate the complexity of real countries, while small towns are at risk of being depopulated. The culture, religion, way of living and manufacturing will then be intervowen, changing the urban landscape and people’s needs, as it becomes necessary to adapt to new challenges coming from climate change.

Essential services need to be improved using new technologies. The sustainable use of resources should be encouraged considering the delicate relationship between culture and creativity, fragility and resilience, requalification and regeneration, innovation and employment.

These historic challenges will be discussed at the XIII UNESCO CREATIVE CITIES CONFERENCE of Fabriano focusing on the dialogue between mayors from all over the world.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Mayors’ Forum

The UNESCO Mayors’ Forum  will be the crucial event at the UNESCO Creative Cities conference – a meeting between the mayors in the network who stood out internationally for their work. Today they serve as a global reference for their engagement with and promotion of best practices and policies for sustainable urban development. 

Mayors of both large metropolises and small rural areas, governors of thousand-year-old cities and recently built towns, linked together by membership in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, and experts in the international scientific and cultural communities will discuss how our cities can become a real “place of sharing.

The city becomes a place of exchange and cooperation, sharing of knowledge and hospitality, inclusion and open-mindedness in contrast with a global trend of increasing narrow-mindedness and confrontation between people. Therefore, thanks to culture, creativity and innovation, the city can overcome its fragilities.



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