Pavillions and the UNESCO Conference

Pavillions and the UNESCO Conference

Pavillions and the UNESCO Creative Cities Conference

Pavillions of Creativity will be the hearth of the 2019 Unesco Creative Cities Conference project: 8 of them willb e built in iconic places of Fabriano. The Paper and Watermark Museum will host Cities of Craft and Folk Art; cities of Music and Design will instead be hosted in Le Conce. The “Montini” Cinema, along with neighbouring “Circolo Gentile”, will be re-opened to host the Cities of Film, while Gastronomy cities will have their works in the “Mercato Coperto” of Piazza Garibaldi.

Literature will be discussed in the “Romualdo Sassi” Multimedia Library, while Cities of the Media Arts will shape the squares of Fabriano using multimedia installations, and will exhibit their materials in the medieval Oratorio della Carità.

We will also have the RINASCO pavillion, hosted in Palazzo del Podestà and dealing with the Ideal City theme through a particular perspective: rebirth after human and natural catastrophes. The Central Italy earthquake will be discussed, along with reconstruction of Mosul after ISIS destructions, and other (extra)ordinary stories of resistance from all over the world.

Pavillions were designed through a national call, aimed at creatives from Italian Creative Cities, at whom 49 subjects did answer, coming from the Marche region (9, of whom 5 from Fabriano), Milan (5), Turin (2), Bologna (1) and Rome (6).

Pavillions will welcome UNESCO delegates, discussing urban themes and strategies, and Cities will also bring in the Pavillions their projects, products and stories: Italian Creative Cities will also launch call for projects, aimed at creatives from all over the world, to be shown in the Pavillions.

Pavillions will also host cultural events, seminars and conferences, exhibitions: being flexible and non-permanent structures, they will also live after the UNESCO Conference, hosting events and activities.

*An extended version of this article was published on the weekly newspaper L’Azione, November 2018

Discover more about the Pavillions of Creativity